Settle to Horton in Ribblesdale



The map shows the route with way points added to Google maps as my SPOT GPS transmitter had flat batteries! Click on the plus sign to see a larger map.

The next stage of the Dales High Way took me from Settle to Horton-in-Ribblesdale. There's a short section through Settle and under the railway viaduct.. reach the bridge over the River Ribble.

The next part of the walk follows the Ribble Way...

.....towards Stackhouse,

The path climbs quite high above the Ribble..

....before crossing fields...

......towards Stackhouse Lane..

.....which is then followed north...

...keeping to the main road and ignoring various turnings....

....until the path turns off at a white house,,

....and heads along a walled track...

.....down to a weir.

The Ribble Way and Dales High Way follow the river bank...

.....towards Stainforth (on the opposite bank)

It's a pleasant wlak with plenty of variety so the next few photos are captionless.


Stainforth Force can be quite dramatic if there's a lot of water in the river.

At the bridge over the Ribble...

....the Dales High Way turns off west up a lane to..

...pass the impressive Knight Stainforth Hall largely rebuilt in 1672 but contains remnants of both Norman and 14th century doorways,

At the hamlet of Little Stainforth the DHW heads straight up through the farm yard.. reach a lane leading up on to the moorland.

Looking across Ribblesdale towards Pen-y-ghent.

Beyond the intake wall the path climbs uphill...

.....towards a dip just about the 320m contour.

The path largely disappears on the ground so it's a case of looking for stiles.

Smearsett Scar appears to the north of the path.

The path crosses a typical Dales moorland....

....before beginning to drop down...

.....towards the hamlet of Feizor.

Stiles in this part of the Dales are often challenging.

The DHW enters Feizor at Scar Close Farm.

Feizor has a cafe which was doing a roaring trade but as I had a train to catch, sadly, I hadn't time for a break.

The Dales High Way goes up the paved village lane..

...before climbing quite steeply...

...into a dry limestone valley with several caves marked on the map.

The farm track heads towards Higher Bark House...

.....but teh Dales High Way heads of to the north west across...

....a series of small fieslds....

...another farm lane..

...and yet more ladder stiles.. reach a delightful bridge over Wharfe Gill Sike.

There are yet more fields to cross ..... the DHW heads for the hamlet of Wharfe seen in the distance.

There's a short section of road walking..

....before it's back on a bridleway..

The track climbs above the hamlet...

....between wallls..

.....until the views open out.

It's a pleasant stretch of path as it menaders past Studrigg Scar

After a while the path widens and..

...crosses Austwick Beck on a slab bridge.

The broad track climbs uphill to reach a T junction....

.....with a lane towards Crummack.

Heading north... the junction with the track to the farm at Crummack the DHW goes through a gate and...

.....out on to open moor again.

At this signpost the track uphill is taken..

....which heads up the slopes of Long Scar,

Over to the east the cliffs of Pen-y-ghent look dramatic in this view with Crummack Dale in the foreground.

The path is broad and clear and a delight to walk on...

Ahead in the distance to the left of centre can be seen the flat top of Ingleborough.

At an unmarked junction the Dales High Way proper branches off to the left but as i was going to Horton I took the right fork,

There's an enormous cairn some distance from the path junction.

There's no doubt where the path is as the track heads north eastwards.

A large area of limestone pavements lies near the path....

...whilst the crags of Moughton Scars lie across the head of Crummack Dale.

The track begins to fall slightly at Sulber gate as... heads for the path crossroads at Sulber.

The path to Horton is the main path up Ingleborough and was rather busy.

This view is looking back towards Imgleborough.

It's simply a case of following the path...

.....until Horton in Ribblesdale come into view.