Blatten to Fafleralp

Walked in February 2014

Blatten to Fafleralp: 4km each way: height gain approx. 280 metres


The walk starts from the bus terminal at Blatten and follows the road to Fafleralp that is only open to traffic in the summer months.

Leaving the village the yellow sign marks the end of the road for traffic in the winter.

The wide track is shared with the occasional skier, both langlauf and downhill, as well as sledges.

At the head of the valley is the col at the head of the Langgletscher.

The Lonxa river is crossed just.....

...before reaching the summer hamlet of  Kühmad.......

....with its tiny church.

The path now begins a steady climb through woods....

...with views to the end of the ridge of the Chrindelspitxa (3017m).

Looking back down the Lötschental with several  high peaks (about 3000m) - the Torrenthorn, Majinghorn and Ferdernrothorn - in view....


....whilst a zoomed in photo highlights the three parallel ridges.

The track now winds its way uphill ...

....with views up towards the glacier and the basin that in summertime has the Grundsee lake in it.

The track now contours around an outcrop in almost a complete circuit at Faflermatte to reach...

....the Fafleralp Hotel

The hotel is open for most oft he winter season and has a small self service restaurant as well as accommodation.

Another view looking down the valley....


On the return walk the side valley of  Uisterstal is more obvious as are the ski tracks. The uphill walk took about two hours as the fresh snow made walking quite difficult. The downhill walk took just under an hour and a half.