We had intended to walk up to the Seetalhornbahn top station but notices were posted saying that it was closed for urgent repairs so we revised our plans slightly. We left Grächen on the Hannigalp path as far as z’Seew. Just beyond the lake we took the path signposted Plattja and Seetalhorn. This climbed gently uphill through the forest until 2069m before continuing more steeply up zigzags to Lowizig (2207m). Here we changed our plans and, rather than continuing to Plattja and Seetalhorn took the Bergweg to Heidinische Tossu. The path crossed the boulder field that is found all over the upper part of the mountains above Grächen. It was marked with red flashes every few metres and despite the rocks being damp was relatively easy to cross.

The Durlachhorn from Lowizig

At Heidinische Tossu the Bergweg joins the horrendously ugly piste track that runs from the Seetalhorn down the mountain to Stafel. In places the mountain has been bulldozed or blasted away to provide a suitably graded piste. We decided to climb up the piste to an obvious col just below the Durlochhorn. In places this was very steep and coming back down again proved slow and rather tricky in places. The hoped for views were a little disappointing because of the low clouds but at least we reached an altitude of 2760m and 1100m above Grächen.  There was obvious heavy repair work going on at the Seetalhornbahn with noisy machinery in use.  We returned back down to Heidinische Tossu for lunch and then followed the piste down to Stafel, before finally waking along the broad track and a path through the woods to Hannigalp.

The path from Heidinische Tossu to Hannigalp