We left Hannigalp (2120m) on the path signposted to the Wannihorn and Seetalhorn. It climbs steadily up the ridge to Chleini Fürgge (2272m). Beyond here the path splits near Bergstation Lift – to Saas Fee, the Wannihorn and Heidnische Tossu.  

The Wannehorn (or Wannihorn), Distelhorn, Seetalhorn and Durlachhorn from Hannigalp

We took the Wannihorn track, which climbs steadily in zigzags for about one hour until a dry stone wall was reached protecting the path from the precipitous drop into the Saastal. The Hohenweg could be seen clinging to the mountainside 300m below. From this point a path threaded its way up to the summit of the Wannihorn at 2650m. The rocky summit is easily attained across rocks with a spectacular view of the Balfringletscher and the Weismies range. 

The view from the summit of the Wannihorn

The Distelhorn from the Wannihorn. Balfringeltscher top left, Weisshorn on right

We dropped back down to the main track, which continued past the Distelhorn, before turning up a narrow and very steep path, which climbs up to the Seetalhorn cable car station at 2870m. The Seetalhorn is definitely a rock climber’s summit at 3037m! 

The Seetalhorn - the path goes up the scree in the centre of the photograph

From the Seetalhorn the entire panorama from the Mönch and Jungfrau to the Weisshorn is visible – tremendous. The time from Hannigalp was about 3 hours.

  The return to the valley was by cable car.

The Weisshorn from the Seetalhorn cable car station