Kreuzboden to Hohsaas

We decided to walk up to Hohsaas from Kreuzboden as we hadn’t managed it on the day we walked the Leiternweg. The weather was quite poor with cloud down to about 3500m and some rain. However, this meant we had the paths almost to ourselves.  

Between Kreuzboden and the Weissmieshütte.    

We left Kreuzboden at 08.20 and arrived at Hohsaas well within the 2 hours expected. From Kreuzboden (2400m) the path climbs steadily over moraine, meadows and rock to the Weissmieshütte. 

The path climbs up through glacial moraines.

From here on signposting was poor but we simply followed the broad path ignoring all others as it steadily climbed over moraines and rocky ground in a succession of easy zigzags to reach Hohsaas (3200m). Despite the weather the views of the glaciers and mountains were spectacular. 

The glacier below the Lagginhorn

The approach to Hohsaas.

The Hohsaas restaurant is part Matrazanlager (dormitory) and part restaurant. It was full of climbers waiting for the weather to clear. We returned to Saas Grund by cable car.  

The Lagginhorn from Hohsaas on a better day!