We set off from Kandersteg in pouring rain on the path to Blausee (1¼ h) and Frutigen (3h), past the station and HEP plant with the path dropping through woods by the side of the Kander river and past waterfalls and cataracts. Near Blausee the path passes the tunnel works for the new Lötschberg railway base tunnel, which rather spoils the tranquillity of the walk with the continual droning of the extractor fans.

Path near Blausee with BLS railway bridge.

Shortly after we left the Frutigen path and branched off to Blausee. However, there is a charge so we passed on going down to the lake.

Kandergrund viaduct

We continued along the main road towards Kandergrund for a few hundred metres before taking a country lane and after about a kilometre rejoining the road. Here we crossed over the river to rejoin the main Kandersteg to Frutigen path, which at this stage is a lane. Near the Kandergrund railway viaduct a path leads up hill though meadows before dropping down into Frutigen and the railway station.

Looking up the valley towards Kandersteg from near Kandergrund