Saas Fee to Längfluh for the Feegletscher

We left Saas Fee past the Plattjen and Spielboden cable car station and then walked along the broad path that climbs steadily uphill eventually passing the Gletschergrotto restaurant. The path then zigzags up the grassy ridge towards Spielboden with the two arms of the Feegletscher on either side.

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The path between Gletschergrotto and Spielboden (real marmot country!)

  The end of the Feelgletscher and the cascades over the boulder plates

At Spielboden where the gondola cable car ends, the marmots were out playing and being fed by children. Notices forbid the feeding of marmots with unsuitable sweet foods and a fine of 500 CHF is threatened and collectable by the cable car staff! Whilst we were having a drink in the restaurant a Steinbok appeared. The waitress told us the easy way to tell the Gemser and Steinbok apart is their horns: the Steinbok have large horns.  

The rocky terrain beyond Spielboden is obvious in this photo as the path zig-zags uphill.

  Beyond Spielboden the nature of the terrain changes and the gondola is replaced by a cable car to Längfluh. The ridge becomes completely bare rock up which the path zigzags before using a ski ramp to cross an otherwise impossible rock face. The path climbs steadily close to the west arm of the glacier. In places we could see water flowing underneath the ice. Eventually the path reaches the crest of the ridge at Lngfluh.  

  The view of the east arm of the glacier is amazing with enormous séracs and crevasses being just the other side of the wall by the cable car station. The view of the glacier is probably the best and closest that it is possible to get without actually venturing on them with a guide. Continuing along the ridge it is possible to stand safely on the ice at the very edge of the glacier. The mountains dominate the view in every direction. Above Längfluh tower the Dom and the Täschhorn, whilst to the south can be seen the summer ski-slopes on the slopes leading to the Allalinhorn.  

It is difficult to convey the spectacular impression given by the glacier at Längfluh - overwhelming is probably the best word. What is so special about this location is the close proximity of the ice; it is literally just over the wall. In the distance is the Alalinhorn and in front of it the summer ski-grounds.

 Séracs and crevasses on the glacier.

  We had left Saas Fee at 08.45 and arrived at Längfluh at 12.00 despite a long break at Spielboden, easily beating the 3¼ hour signposted time. The next cable car down wasn’t until 13.30 so we simply soaked in the view!

This photo is for the children of Class 4 to show that Mr. Rabone really did walk on a glacier (well just the very edge!)