Postauto bus at Belvedere on the Furka Pass

Visitors to the mountain areas of Switzerland will have seen and, no doubt, heard the Post buses of the Swiss Post Office in the bright yellow, black and red livery. They are a Swiss institution!

The sound of their warning horns echoes across the mountains and warns other drivers of the approach of the bus, especially on blind corners. Sometimes passengers may wish they had earplugs as the drivers enthusiastically sound the horn.

As Postauto's website puts it,

"Our guests will have many beautiful memories of the melodious three tone horn that is used on the service buses on the mountain post roads. The tone motif originates from the Andante of the Overture to Rossini's "William Tell" and includes the chimes cis-e-a in A Major."

To hear the Postauto three tone horn click here

To see and hear a short video clip of a Postauto at Gletsch click here