Short walk from Bort cable car station at Grindelwald

This is a very short walk from the intermediate station on the Grindelwald to First cable car. It starts at Bort where the gondolas slow down to allow you to get out.

The route is No. 56 which goes to a mountain restaurant at Rasthysi and then on to Bussalp where the bus starts for Grindelwald. We only walked the first few kilometres to where the track enters the forest at Räckholtertor and then returned the same way to Bort for coffee at the Berghaus. The return walk took just over an hour.

Leaving the cable car station....

.....the path at first heads north and follows the ski/ toboggan path uphill...

......past a magnificent snowman.

The junction to the left is for Bussalp....

.....and crosses the Malibach on a bridge..

.....before heading south on the other side of the valley/

Over to the east is the Grosse Scheidegg pass...

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....with this panoramic photo showing the Wetterhorn on the left. Click on the photo for a larger view.

The track heads slightly downhill with the north face of the Eiger in view.

At Räckholtertor the path heads into the woods en route to Bussalp.