Wengen to Wengernalp

Wengen - Allmend - Wengernalp

Ascent: 600 metres. Time taken: 3 hours


The path from Wengen to Allmend starts from the end of the railway station platform......

.....and follows the line uphill...

.....before going under the railway and following a road uphill.

There's a good view of Wengen showing its location on a ledge high above Lauterbrunnen valley.

The way goes uphill gently with the Jungfrau soon coming into view.

The railway with its green and yellow trains is a constant companion.

On the outskirts of Wengen the path joins the Schlittelweg (sledge path) which is followed the whole way to Allemend, Wengernalp and eventually to the summit at kleine Scheidegg.

Over to the west is the Schilthorn (2970 metres).

At Allmend, where there is a station on the railway, one of the ski slopes has to be crossed....

.....but this is soon passed and the path goes under the railway again....

....and climbs quite steeply through forests...

....before emerging underneath the cliffs of the Laubernhorn.

Then it's back into the forest before...

....reaching the location on the railway known as the Wasserstation.

A little further on the path dips down and crosses the railway.

The low point on the skyline is the Sefinnefurgge with the Gspalthorn (3436 metres) to the left and the Schilthorn to the right.

A zoomed in image shows the middle cable car station on top of the Birg and the upper cable car station and rotating restaurant on the Schilthorn summit.

The path continues climbing with the Jungfrau and its subsidary sunmits of the Schneehoren and Silberhorn towering above.

As the path turns to the south east the Mönch comes into view on the left with the Jungfraujoch at the low point between to Mönch and Jungfrau.

Just visible in this cropped section of the photo is the Sphinx observatory and restaurant.

A zoomed in image of the Giesenglestcher on the Jungfrau. Click on the photo for a really large version which will allow you to see the glacier in close up.

The view back down hill towards the Lauterbrunnen valley shows the relatively steep climb on the approach to Wengernalp.

As the path turns further towards the east the Eiger and its north wall comes into view.

Wemgernalp station with a train heading uphill . The path continues beyond Wengernalp to the pass at to Kleine Scheidegg which is another 187 metres higher but we chose to end our walk here .