Winterwanderweg around Lenk

An easy walk from Lenk follows the river up to the Simmenfälle Hotel.

The winter path leaves the road and follows a lane out of the village...

...with a glance back to Lenk.

The day was rather grim with low cloud...

....but the path is easy....


.....towards the head of the valley.

There's a pleasant section through trees..

...and past the hamlet of Rothenbach.

The path is marked with these signs.

There was a refrigerator with cheese in it and a box for payment!!

The Simmenfälle hotel comes into view..

......across the fields.....

....followed by another section through trees....

...and an alternative way of reaching the hotel...

The Apfelstrudel here was thoroughly enjoyable!

The track continues beyond the hotel into the forests but becomes quite steep . The walk from Lenk took just over an hour. There is also a bus service for the return to Lenk but we returned by the same route.