1. Halifax-Montreal 2.Montreal 3.Montreal-Toronto
4.Toronto-Windsor 5.Toronto-Niagara Falls 6.Toronto-Winnipeg
7.Winnipeg-Jasper 8.Jasper-Prince George 9.Prince George-Vancouver
10.Vancouver 11.Vancouver Island 12.BC Rail Steam/BC Transit
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I've listed below some useful links to other Canadian sites that you may find of interest.

The TrainsCan webring site has a vast number of links to almost anything you could need.

VIA's website is useful for planning journeys and much more.

BC Rail's website includes detailed route descriptions, photos and superb maps.

The Montreal district suburban trains are run by STCUM and there site includes timetables, maps etc.

BC Transit operates the West Coast Express and SkyTrain services in Vancouver.

The Rocky Mountaineer website includes a virtual tour from Vancouver to Jasper.